I also painted my brother some classic slip on Vans for Christmas, and turns out he reallllyyy loved them! I knew he would like them, but he was more than thankful, and said they were "boss" after informing me that, "from now on, you're painting all my shoes," a feat I think I can handle. It was fun. I picked a narwhale since he's kinds into those. The glitter paint makes the shoe.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Oh My Golly, Havin' a Holly Jolly One
Merry Christmas! I finally got a new digital camera which doesn't capture garbage like my previous piece of junk - so hopefully I might be posting some more pretty pictures. Like today! I have an old glittery bird ornament pinned into my hair for my Christmas spirit. Lately I've been into dressing my head with small creatures, feather, and bows of all sorts. Why not, the real estate is there and waiting for the attention!
Anyway, it was a good session of a Christmas so far, now I get to look forward to eating my heart out! Creme puffs, pasta of all sorts, lots of gingerbread, and paper crowns of course!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Holy Schnikes - 2 More Days?? .... Let Me Check Again
It's coming, and then it's gone. But we're still on the coming side, so soak it up! I've been working on a collection of sweater made animals. I'm into plush. Also, I've become a fan of wearing obnoxious feathers and bows and small creatures in my hair. If it's covered in glitter, all the better. Hopefully some pictures soon. In the mean time, eat more gingerbread!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
A Couple of Misfits
Frosted window panes, Jack Frost nipping at our noses, and toeses, etc. Today, what I will call the first real snow has come. No wind, or bitter cold, but nice slowly falling large flakes that always seem to end up right on the tip of my nose as I walk to and from class. I believe these flakes are coincidentally guiding me nearer to cross-eyed-ism. Last night Rudolph was on TV, followed by Ralphie's Christmas Story. Not to mention the Victoria's Secret fashion show. Two more weeks of school, then I too can join in the festivities. I'm thinking lots of baking!
Until I saw this, I wasn't aware that being a dentist was as much of a handicap in society as having an obnoxious red nose.
Until I saw this, I wasn't aware that being a dentist was as much of a handicap in society as having an obnoxious red nose.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
In Memory of the Grassy Knoll
It's Thanksgiving break. I am in Illinois again for the holiday. Some fun things I like about Thanksgiving:
1) It's a production more than anything. Cooking, Eating, Disgesting, etc.
2) Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
3) Watching It's a Wonderful Life. This is the true beginning of Christmas season. It becomes officially appropriate to decorate, begin shopping, and other festive things of the sort. Not before Thanksgiving, after. This is a rule broken often which makes me a little bit sick sometimes. The longer you save it, the better it will be. At least that's what I've convinced myself.
1) It's a production more than anything. Cooking, Eating, Disgesting, etc.
2) Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
3) Watching It's a Wonderful Life. This is the true beginning of Christmas season. It becomes officially appropriate to decorate, begin shopping, and other festive things of the sort. Not before Thanksgiving, after. This is a rule broken often which makes me a little bit sick sometimes. The longer you save it, the better it will be. At least that's what I've convinced myself.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Suga Mama
I missed breakfast, but I made oatmeal, half of which ended up in my hair, and on my dress. Holy Shnikes, it's already Thanksgiving next week. That kick-starts a whole new vibe, people become Holiday-bound, and there's nothing you can do to stop them. The star up flagstaff will light up, which is one of my favorite changes in the winter, and the annual pilgrimages to the sight will begin. I just experienced my first dose of Christmas shopping today, but that didn't keeping from stopping at Bart's and splurging on no one else, but me. I'm infatuated with Beyonce, Sasha-Fierce, or whoever she is now. So until next time, I'll be lookin' for my freakum dress.
Beyonce and a chic band? ....There's hope for me.
Beyonce and a chic band? ....There's hope for me.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Welcome November!
We're now well into November.... it's been a full 21 minutes already. I've got to admit, it might be my favourite. Next weekend, after I kill off some midterms, I'll be on my way to Seattle for the first time since I was only one year old. I'll say hi to a friend of mine, and enjoy the misty, foggy, cloudy, rainy air while listening to grunge and underground radio while drinking freshly brewed coffee. Who knows if this is really what Seattle is like, but that is what I intend to find out. I watched Nick & Nora's Infinite Playlist again today, I really do like that movie, and can't quite figure out why it only got 2 stars. Oh well, I've got to change out my laundry. Happy November to all the November babies out there!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Yellow Bird Project
Monday, October 20, 2008
Knockin' on Heaven's Door
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Yo Gabba Gabba

One morning while watching Nick Jr., I mysteriously came across this show which I could explain none other than a Japanese infused Teletubbies meets Daft Punk. I recorded what I could on my cell phone to run around and show my friends, all who seemed way less interested in this than me. (This too to me was mind-blowing, what kid show featuring Biz Markie's "Beat of the Day" is not more than noteworthy!?) I just recently remembered this occurrence in my life and did some web surfing on the matter. Turns out there are a plethora of blogs and whatnot out there discussing what I found so fascinating about DJ Lance Rock and his crew in Yo Gabba Gabba:
Now, while you're waiting for Nick Jr. weekdays at 11:30, you can come here and get hyped.
Yes indeed Elijah Wood, that was lots of fun. Mmmmm.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
The Lost Boys
I was listening to some Matt & Kim, and through them I came across this blog from also from Brooklyn called Sucka Pants. Now, I've always been fascinated by the likes of Peter Pan, the lost boys, tree houses, Skateopia, and things of the sort, so of course this struck my fancy. Check it out, love the pictures, looks like lots of fun. And the sailing crafts look like something right from my brain. Maybe one day I too can have some floating fun.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Call Now!
For some reason, I always decide to come home on the weekends where everyone is gone. Maybe I do it on purpose, in my unconscious. Well, I'm not completely alone, Gracie the dog is here. It's beginning to look a lot like the time I love, chilly, and frosty, and wet. I put on my jacket, hat and scarf and headed to Borders. For magazines. And then some CDs. Like my mom says, "It's a good thing you aren't into drugs, you couldn't afford it." I have no extra money for my veins, it all goes to my ears. Plans for the night: put new music on my iPod, finish laundry (I love doing laundry), check into baking, glue myself to Breakfast at Tiffany's so I can move the Netflix list along.
Question of the night: cookies or cupcakes?
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Little Orphan Annie...
Happy October! My friend/accomplice/seamstress is helping me with my Peter Pan costume. Hopefully this will then mean that I will find a good use for it a couple Fridays from now. As I write this now, I have the TV behind me blaring Clint Eastwood in Fistful of Dollars. "My opinion, you'll make a fine pallbearer," Ok, so it's not the most uplifting of films, but I do enjoy my fair share of dramatic and violent westerns. Spaghetti and not. The soundtrack is key in the context of the flick as well. How can a scene be taken seriously without the incessant flute runs, and monk like chanting? Really gets me goin' for those cowboys. As for me, a newly acclaimed red head, I see life in a new light. Maybe not, and it isn't really that red, just darker. In any case, we'll see how long this bounce in my step lasts.
Orangina helps too.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Sam, Sam the Onion Man?

Thursday, September 25, 2008
The Fine-Toothed Comb
Nothing too much has excited me lately, so I've been forced to use the fine tooth comb for the past couple of weeks in deciding what is somewhat more fascinating than not.
- It is officially autumn, and the leaves have slowly but surely began to change. This is my favourite season, as I'm sure it is a lot of other people's too. The weather is still a little warm for optimal enjoyment, but I'm not about to rush the natural. I'll take what I can get.
- Sept 12th: The day the worms came out. Post rain of course, but it has been a while since this has occurred. Worms have 5 hearts -all the more love to give.
- Midterms have begun. I have discovered that now, more than ever, getting focused is a horse of a different color, but when I'm in the zone, I'm unstoppable. Sitting in the library the other night, "Dre is God 12/01" carved on the desk, I break a nail, and bleed all over my business notes.
- I finally picked up a memory card for the Gamecube, so now I can create my own Tony Hawk pro-skaters.
- On Tuesday, September 23rd, Jenny Lewis released her second solo album, and I pre-ordered a free autographed copy. How lucky.
- This weekend, I will start working on my halloween costume.
- Tonight is my first harmonica lesson.
Friday, September 12, 2008
"The Butterball"
Tomorrow is the excitedly-awaited "Indie Fest '08" aka Monolith festival at Red Rocks. Line up is something like this:
Saturday, September 13
• DeVotchKa
• Silversun Pickups
• Neko Case
• Vampire Weekend
• Mickey Avalon
• Del tha Funky Homosapien
• Cut Copy
• The Fratellis
• Superdrag
• The Kills
• Holy Fuck
• White Denim
• The Night Marchers
• A Place to Bury Strangers
• The Photo Atlas
• The Hood Internet
• John Vanderslice
• Darker My Love
• Cameron McGill & What Army
• Blitzen Trapper
• The Presets
• Pop Levi
• Pwrfl Power
• The Morning Benders
• Boyhollow
Sunday, September 14
• Justice
• TV on the Radio
• Band of Horses
• Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings
• The Avett Brothers
• Tokyo Police Club
• Dan Le Sac vs. Scroobius Pip
• Akron/Family
• The Bronx
• Tilly and the Wall
• The Heavy
• The Cribs
• The Ting Tings
• Airborne Toxic Event
• Bright Channel
• Chester French
• Grampall Jookabox
• The Rosewood Thieves
• Hearts of Palm
• The Giraffes
• The Elms
It's always a crowded mess of people who look too cool to be alive and functioning in the not-so-seemingly indie land of Boulder, or Denver... or Morrison. I'd like to know where these hipsters crawl out from. There must be deep dark caves full of them in the hills of Morrison and the Foothills. I'm sure I'll have much to say about this on a later date. Possibly an encounter with one of the cave-dwellers awaits me. In the mean time, take a pre-Thanksgiving Champion to mind.

Friday, September 5, 2008
From Room 265
It's strange living in a town that I've lived in all my life, and then going to school here while everyone else is moved away and working elsewhere. It's like a whole new different place. I have nobody to hang out with sometimes, the people I could do anything with and act like whatever I wanted to are gone, and I feel like a fishy in a small slowly draining bowl. Actually, that sounds horrible, it's really not that bad, but it will take some getting used to, not to mention I need to become the meet and greet pro. Good thing I'm a girl with bangs, sounds to me like it's supposed to get me places in life. Good, I need that now. I haven't drawn in a long time, or played music, I'm very uninspired by these "bros" and college gals. I need to get motivated.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Cyndi's Politics
The Democratic National Convention has been taking place right in our backyard this year. My mom has been volunteering down in Denver for one reason or another, getting all pumped up just like everyone else for the upcoming elections. I have never seen Denver so festive and alive. It's pretty inspiring. Everyone has their Obama garb on, and looks quite optimistic. Anyway, my mom with her DNC connections was able to hook me up with 2 half-priced concert tickets to go see a couple of artists play at the Fillmore as a benefit for human rights I think. All of this is great, and uplifting, and fun, but honestly, we just wanted to see Cyndi Lauper. What a spunky little squirt she is. I don't know how old she is now, but she can work it more than ever! She has great legs and she knows it, showing them off in sparkling tights and short shorts. Of course she ended with Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, but she brought out her son to do it with her. How cute he was! A young boy who could bust a move like none other his age, ripping off his sweatshirt to reveal an Obama shirt. What a fun family that must be. Can you imagaine? This is my mom, Cyndi Lauper.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Notorious P.I.G.
Being that there aren't many days remaining in August, I thought I would fill some more useless space. I am at the University now, and I'm well on my way to feeling like a scholar in training. I'm all moved in and finally feeling like I can call this cell of a place "home". I've brought in some inspirational posters and tidbits to keep myself feeling like myself. For example, on my desk I have hanging a torn out page of a magazine with a picture of some kids climbing up and and around into a the most mix and match-y tree house I have ever seen. I don't know how that thing possibly stays together, or if it is even is functional at all, but I guess that's why I love it. Still someday, I hope I'll have one of my own. "What else is here" you ask? Well, a viking head, and 9 portraits of Biggie look-a-likes trying out for the Notorious B.I.G. biopic. These are the things that will keep me going this year.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
I'll Put On My Little Red Shoes
Today the mail came with the usual stack of bills and catalogs plus two boxes addressed to Lyndie. A black leather motor jacket, and a Loretta Lynn CD. I can tell this is going to be a good day. I have been meaning to listen to this dynamic duo super team of a CD for sometime now. The combination of Ms. Lynn and Jack White seems right up my alley. So, 4 years after its production, a copy finally finds a way into my eager ears. It's about time! I plugged it in right away, and low and behold, it's everything I knew it could be. I love it when this happens. Today will be a good day.
Monday, August 11, 2008
The Loss of the Shaft Mastermind
I'm no obituary writer, but this is a shout out to one of my favorite artists who kicked the bucket yesterday afternoon, and I mean this in the most polite manner, Isaac Hayes. Before my trip to Memphis a couple months ago, I had only a vague knowledge of his career. However, after the enlightening soul and funk, blues and country experience, I know better, and thank goodness for that. The original P.I.M.P. is how I like to think of him. While I was in Memphis, I witnessed the set of a movie at the historic Peabody Hotel. After asking a man and woman both with very Rastafarian-esque hair, I was informed that the movie starred both Bernie Mac, and Isaac Hayes. Unfortunately, both have passed now, and I wonder what will happen to the movie. Did they ever finish shooting it? I found this tid-bit of information ironic, and slightly disheartening. It's always a little more eerie when death occurs after a personal account.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Epitome of Cool
A while back I was listening to some music where I decided that any band with a legitimate position for a sousaphone had it going on. This weekend, I proved that theory to a greater degree. Saturday and Sunday was spent at the Mile High Music Festival in a middle of nowhere place appropriately named Commerce City. Tons of bands performed from Tom Petty, Dave Matthews, and John Mayer to smaller names like Andrew Bird, Spoon, The New Mastersounds, Country Hill Revue, and even the local Rose Hill Drive and Flobots. The part I anticipated the most with high hopes was to stick around and watch the entire set of The Roots fronted by my adored ?uestlove and Black Thought. I know lots of people who look back on certain concerts and shows saying, "It was life changing!" and I've never quite understood if a show truly could be as they say it, as life changing. Perhaps maybe if you were tragically shot in the leg and paralyzed, or if you got into hardcore drugs, or if you met your future spouse, but none of these things are what my friends are referring to. In any case, whether a show can be life changing or not, I'm not sure, but when I got to see the Roots, I understood the emotion that would bring one to say such an absurd thing. They are the epitome of cool. I feel like I kind of already knew that, but seeing the life show makes it concrete. How could one band squeeze so much cool into one set? From "Tuba Gooding Jr." the sousaphone player, to the mic bling wearing MC, a very funky Captain Kirk Douglas, and a fro-ed out Q on drums, I was glad I made it to the front to see. My favourite: ending the set with Curtis Mayfield's Move On Up. That song is my favourite feel good song (see Good Times via CD) and sent me of for the rest of the festival feeling completely satisfied and giddy.
Monday, July 14, 2008
The Half-Way Point
July already?? I've been so lazy with the whole blogging thing, who knows if it'll ever pick up again. Summer is about 50% on the way out. Soon I'll be starting "the college years". Nice. I guess I look like I'm 15 years old. Or younger, but I would hope older. "I'm always so proud of little girls who eat their sushi! That used to be me."- is what the woman at the sushi restaurant was so eager to tell me. She looked 2 years older than me. A bit of a buzz kill, but I'll be the one carded when I'm 40 years old, nice. Things are lookin' up after all.
Take me here: Hotel Fox
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Up & Out
I have graduated from high school. Tomorrow my family is off to Italy and then to England. Off I go!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Return to HH Film Fest
I have just received pictures from the previously mentioned film festival party (see April 21st), and let me say, my face deserves to be printed on a shirt. It was lots of fun, everyone looked smashing while workin' it on the red carpet, AND, I am pleased to announce my video's winning of both best movie and best soundtrack. Grazie, grazie.

Sunday, May 11, 2008
Wesley the Wager, and a Good Friend
Barack Obama keeps rising up (just keep clicking!)...which reminds me, I must still register! How great! A tip for convincing the bowling alley people to let you bowl a game 20 min before closing: Tell them you have a wager with your friend, winner takes all. They, without thinking twice, will ask you for your I.D., and then ask for you to shout out shoe sizes. Speed is the name of the game here, since you will need exactly 20 min for 3 people to bowl a complete game. We accomplished this with ease, shocking the man at the counter. I think he was proud of us. I bowled a 109, losing to a 121. Therefore, I was forced to give up Wesley, a nice little gold fish whom I kept in a glass in the cup holder of my car all night. I'm sure he was happy to finally settle down after the festivities.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
The Skins
Yesterday was the first day I sat down and played my set since the disbanding of the Fembots. Nothing has really seemed to change other than I am in a sinking rut of classic rock which I desperately need to free my chops of. Well, not free exactly, but just expand the style library. It's been too long. Maybe one day I'll play in a band for JayZ, or session with Kanye. But for now, there's just more listening and playing, and mostly listening. I've found thats the best way to learn, lots of listening and mimicking. And videos like these:
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Watch Out, Fiddy!
I had a dream last night involving my mom and I eating at a crappy whole-in-the-wall Chinese food restaurant when a big black car pulls up front containing none other than Fifty Cent and Flava Flav (along with an impressive looking posse of course). However, this was no ordinary looking 50, this was a man who had recently survived an explosion of some sort and was carefully maneuvered out of the car via wheel chair. The unlucky rapper was missing an arm, and had crippled legs, but was none the less very tough looking and still adorning his signature bullet-proof vest. Flav on the other hand was perky as usual, and waltzed into the restaurant where I was eating, and had a chat with my mom and I, and then autographed my copy of Faulkner's 'Light in August'. How lucky I was! I then remember waking up and mumbling the story to myself out loud to make sure that I would remember the dream in the morning. Otherwise, it very well may have been lost in my subconscious for ever. In the mean time, lets hope that the dust bunnies around my desk don't rise up to start some kind of revolution. Strictly by numbers, they have the advantage.

Sunday, April 27, 2008
Cougars at the Prom
Here's a first for me: Going to the Prom. I wasn't ever planning on going. In fact it was quite the opposite. I was planning on making it through my high school years without attending any of the school dances. I'm not trying to be anti-social, or a non-conformist or anything like that, it's just not my thing. I'd rather do something else with my time I suppose. Anyway, friends convinced me to go, so I am, but by default. We're going as "cougars" (as our English teacher was excited to find out) taking some younger men with us. Is that what they call ladies who date younger men? Cougars? It must be, because when another English teacher came in to eavesdrop, she picked up on the cougar term right away adding that "Demi would be proud." I don't know the first thing about preparing for a dance like this, but after next week I will be a pro. I am in Galena for the weekend and today we took a ride into Iowa to the Target where I picked up some new music. Classics this time; Thriller, some Elton John, Earth Wind & Fire, and some more recent stuff. After we went to the Chinese buffet next door, Great Dragon, some good cheap eats. For some reason we can't help but always eat there after visiting Target. I don't have any exciting pictures or drawings this time, but I feel like I will after the dance...
Monday, April 21, 2008
HH Film Fest
I wait anxiously in anticipation of tomorrow night's festivities of miss Hannah's birthday party slash mini film fest. All the invitees were urged to capture their own 5 to 10 minute film to show the night of the party. What will be my red carpet attire?? Decisions decisions!
Happy Birthday Iggy
Today is Iggy Pop's birthday. Tomorrow is Earth day. Yesterday was 420. This is one week of exciting things I guess. Something to do when there's nothing to do- listen to Cyndi Lauper with a best bud and take pictures of yourselves eating lollipops. The Raconteurs are coming this weekend, but Lyndie's out of town, and missing them. Good thing I caught them last year. I bought part of a drum set with an extra ticket I had to that show. Which reminds me that my two items of desire right now happen to be a 1969 Camero, and a beautiful semi-hollow bodied guitar. Cupcakes: cookies'n'creme, they turned out well, but I'm not satisfied yet.

Monday, April 7, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
I've Gone to Graceland...
A fun place to visit for a couple days: good ol' Memphis Tennessee. Farthest south I have ever been. I experienced a whirlwind tour of the city complete with Beale Street, watching semi-hollow bodies and double necks being put together at the Gibson factory, and gettin' my Elvis on at none other than Graceland itself. Holly smokes, not to mention that thick as molasses Tennessee twang, doesn't sound real. Hannah Montana is no faker! I added some to my music collection as well. Bluesy, soulful, dirty, southern, you know, the Memphis sound. I even found my long sought after "What It Is!" box set of Funky Soul and Rare Grooves compilations. The Stax and Sun recording studios were fun to visit, I'm a true "Soul Man". Plus I got to scope Mr. Isaac Hayes'- the original pimp- Cadillac complete with 24 karat gold outer hardware, white fur trimmings on the inside, mini bar, TV, and blue suede interior. Bling in its purest form.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Spring Breakin'
It's the first night of spring break, I welcomed it with a round of "Guess Who?". Talk about a rough week. I didn't even really do anything too strenuous, but I guess as a whole I am now exhausted. Earlier this week I gained the last component of my now completed Rilo Kiley discography. I bought them all out of order, but maybe thats the fun of it. They have songs for most every mood, not unlike Stevie Wonder- he who really does have a song for everything. Tomorrow I get to see Justice and Diplo in Denver, ready to get my D.A.N.C.E. on. Then, I'm off to Memphis. Check out Graceland. Some more things I have never seen. My shirt today: "Prince Votes Obama".
Monday, March 10, 2008
Made with a Single Piece of String
I hung up my x-ray girls posters all around school this morning, and within one hour, they were all torn down for the purpose of not being "school approved". It's ok though, there's a loophole for every situation. *wink. P.S. How's this for an idea??? Me likey, so does Kanye, and Bret Michaels for that matter. My new Item of Desire, a '69 Camaro. Wouldn't that be something. I'd look so good in my new Camaro. Here are some things I dug up from last summer in Brooklyn at the Pratt summer program. A series inspired from this little guy.

Sunday, March 9, 2008
Beep, It's Whats for Dinner
Tonight while I was eating yak at a very delicious local Tibetan restaurant with my family, we were remembering a trip of ours a few years ago in London. We were staying the the Metropolitan hotel with Will.I.Am and some other peas. Actually, maybe all of them where there, except Fergie. We never saw her, but I guess she's too hot for the rest of her band anyway. I remember watching Mr. Cool walk from the elevator to the revolving door on his way out. As he walked he was really actually kind of dancing, and then spun his way out of the door. Definition of putting a spring in your step is him, no questions asked. That was fun. And the yak was good, I'm a first time yak-er, and according to our ex-monk waiter, "it taste like beep".
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
In Limbo...?
I have thrown together a gig poster for my friends The Propellers and In Limbo...the band formerly known as Robofunk formerly known as the Royal Coachmen. While putting a band together, you can always notice what type of band it will be by this: Does naming the band become the first number one priority, or does the band cruise for years without settling down. Take note of this while poisoning your parent's basement with incessant noise.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Bad News Chickens
This weekend a racoon jumps out of our chicken coop after slaughtering seven chickens and my beloved duck Blondie. What I don't understand is how come a wild animal such as a racoon would feel the need to tear apart multiple chickens without even attempting to eat one. Does he feel threatened? Is he trying to prove something? It's odd to me that this seemed like more than just a survival tool- Do racoons hunt as a hobby as well? Maybe they need day-glow orange jumpers. I've been listening to lots of DeVotchKa lately, any band with a legitimate position for a sousaphone seems pretty alright right now.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Leap Frog
Today is the 29th shy day of February. Everything is allowed of leap day, the day itself is an exception. Happy birthday to those turning one fourth of their appearing age. Aside, in the less happy of days, some slightly more cheery tunes sometimes work to get the mind distracted and set in a new direction other than down. Recently, I have created this "Good Times via CD' mix... Just now while typing, I have messed up my newly painted red nails on or around the "k" key. Time for a touch up, and a listen of this track list:
- Generique Stephane: Jean-Michel Bernard (Science of Sleep soundtrack)
- Move On Up: Curtis Mayfield
- Root Down: The Beastie Boys
- Heart It Races: Architecture in Helsinki
- Sissyneck: Beck
- Blackberry: The Black Crowes
- Wall Of Gum: Black Moth Super Rainbow
- Technicolor Nightmare: Christian McBride
- Yellow: The Common Cold
- I Feel Just Like A Child: Devendra Banhart
- Timebomb: Beck
- Race For The Prize: The Flaming Lips
- Footstompin' Music: Grand Funk Railroad
- Come On, Come Over: Jaco Pastorius
- I Got Ants In My Pants: James Brown
- Woo Hoo: Kings of Leon
- Song For Amberdeen: Mando Diao
- It's A Fact (Printed Stained): Matt & Kim
- Walk In The Park: Oh No Oh My
- Phantom Punch: Sondre Lerche
Sunday, February 3, 2008
The Day the Music Died
Maybe I am cliche for writing about this, but I found it noteworthy. I mean, aside from the Giant upset...no pun intended. I kind of hope nobody but me reads this, it's a little embarrassing. Anyway, I guess on this day in 1959, the infamous plane crash, referenced in Don McLean's "American Pie" as the day the music died, took place. I came across the Coroner's report for Buddy Holly. It is written in a gruesome amount of detail . Then they proceeded to take $11.65 from the poor dead man's wallet for the report. Does this not seem wrong at all? A little creepy and demeaning?
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Thanks Phil
Happy Groundhog's day, and a special thanks to the man of the hour: Punxsutawney phil. 6 more weeks of winter, or spring is just around the corner? This time, we're stuck in winter. But wait, it's really just two ways to say the exact same thing. "Hey, it's finally not January anymore, we're sick of the cold, let it be summer already. We must consult the rodent." It's a strange tradition, but one I will be happy to enjoy none the less. At least we aren't sacrificing shrunken heads. Some wacky traditions are simply less frightening than others. Really?
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