Thursday, March 27, 2008
I've Gone to Graceland...
A fun place to visit for a couple days: good ol' Memphis Tennessee. Farthest south I have ever been. I experienced a whirlwind tour of the city complete with Beale Street, watching semi-hollow bodies and double necks being put together at the Gibson factory, and gettin' my Elvis on at none other than Graceland itself. Holly smokes, not to mention that thick as molasses Tennessee twang, doesn't sound real. Hannah Montana is no faker! I added some to my music collection as well. Bluesy, soulful, dirty, southern, you know, the Memphis sound. I even found my long sought after "What It Is!" box set of Funky Soul and Rare Grooves compilations. The Stax and Sun recording studios were fun to visit, I'm a true "Soul Man". Plus I got to scope Mr. Isaac Hayes'- the original pimp- Cadillac complete with 24 karat gold outer hardware, white fur trimmings on the inside, mini bar, TV, and blue suede interior. Bling in its purest form.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Spring Breakin'
It's the first night of spring break, I welcomed it with a round of "Guess Who?". Talk about a rough week. I didn't even really do anything too strenuous, but I guess as a whole I am now exhausted. Earlier this week I gained the last component of my now completed Rilo Kiley discography. I bought them all out of order, but maybe thats the fun of it. They have songs for most every mood, not unlike Stevie Wonder- he who really does have a song for everything. Tomorrow I get to see Justice and Diplo in Denver, ready to get my D.A.N.C.E. on. Then, I'm off to Memphis. Check out Graceland. Some more things I have never seen. My shirt today: "Prince Votes Obama".
Monday, March 10, 2008
Made with a Single Piece of String
I hung up my x-ray girls posters all around school this morning, and within one hour, they were all torn down for the purpose of not being "school approved". It's ok though, there's a loophole for every situation. *wink. P.S. How's this for an idea??? Me likey, so does Kanye, and Bret Michaels for that matter. My new Item of Desire, a '69 Camaro. Wouldn't that be something. I'd look so good in my new Camaro. Here are some things I dug up from last summer in Brooklyn at the Pratt summer program. A series inspired from this little guy.

Sunday, March 9, 2008
Beep, It's Whats for Dinner
Tonight while I was eating yak at a very delicious local Tibetan restaurant with my family, we were remembering a trip of ours a few years ago in London. We were staying the the Metropolitan hotel with Will.I.Am and some other peas. Actually, maybe all of them where there, except Fergie. We never saw her, but I guess she's too hot for the rest of her band anyway. I remember watching Mr. Cool walk from the elevator to the revolving door on his way out. As he walked he was really actually kind of dancing, and then spun his way out of the door. Definition of putting a spring in your step is him, no questions asked. That was fun. And the yak was good, I'm a first time yak-er, and according to our ex-monk waiter, "it taste like beep".
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
In Limbo...?
I have thrown together a gig poster for my friends The Propellers and In Limbo...the band formerly known as Robofunk formerly known as the Royal Coachmen. While putting a band together, you can always notice what type of band it will be by this: Does naming the band become the first number one priority, or does the band cruise for years without settling down. Take note of this while poisoning your parent's basement with incessant noise.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Bad News Chickens
This weekend a racoon jumps out of our chicken coop after slaughtering seven chickens and my beloved duck Blondie. What I don't understand is how come a wild animal such as a racoon would feel the need to tear apart multiple chickens without even attempting to eat one. Does he feel threatened? Is he trying to prove something? It's odd to me that this seemed like more than just a survival tool- Do racoons hunt as a hobby as well? Maybe they need day-glow orange jumpers. I've been listening to lots of DeVotchKa lately, any band with a legitimate position for a sousaphone seems pretty alright right now.
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