Yesterday morning while I was in class (may I add my smallest and lousiest class in the sense that nobody talks or gives any feedback about anything whatsoever, unless you're making weather small-talk with the Vancouver native - who is very snippy to inform all of us that she, contrary to popular belief, is NOT used to the cold weather here because unlike what all of us nimrods choose to believe, Vancouver is in fact not bitter cold, but mild and rainy due to the sea), my phone started to vibrate in its awkwardly eccentric and incessant pattern as my dad called. As a clear distraction to the entire class, I hurried to ignore the call, and turn my phone off in fear of a voicemail or perhaps a second call. Class carried on. I returned to the dorm and listened to the message Pops had left me:
"What has 9 arms and sucks?
....brief pause
Def Leppard! Get it? Have a nice day"
Dear Lyndie,
Tell the Vancouver girl to shove it. She's in America now, hehe (:
If only I had that much everyday courage.
This is a genius example as to why I love Doug Raymond.
...therefore you as well, being that you are his offspring.
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