Otis is sick. He had/has a fungal infection, so I went off and got him antibiotics of some sort which then turned his water bright green, but if he is healing, then I can stand the color. Hopefully the little guy will pull through. He and I watched Helvetica together. He, unlike my previous fish, has a more sophisticated taste, one which enjoys documentaries of typography.
My two roommates and I have our first tap dance lesson tonight.
I hope Otis feels better.
otis is sooo flyy...
Otis is doing quite well!
RE: the crazy shit that happened to me: They were all freaking out because some other guy had done the exact same thing [though I'm sure his wound was a LOT BIGGER than mine...] and they let him get back to work...Only 20 minutes later, he was feeling wooo-ly and his face turned puke-green. True story. It was truly just a little cut. I'll put up a picture sometime this weekend. I was never really delirious. I wish I had a hot lab director or a hot TA...
Actually. I did have a hot TA last semester, in my analytical chemistry. His name is Ross. I believe he is now dating my analytical chemistry prof [who he worked with].
All in all, chemistry makes me very happy (:
Nothing rules more than a Chemistry love triangle. Lots of chemistry indeed. Pun intended.
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