Sunday, May 11, 2008

Wesley the Wager, and a Good Friend

Barack Obama keeps rising up (just keep clicking!)...which reminds me, I must still register! How great! A tip for convincing the bowling alley people to let you bowl a game 20 min before closing: Tell them you have a wager with your friend, winner takes all. They, without thinking twice, will ask you for your I.D., and then ask for you to shout out shoe sizes. Speed is the name of the game here, since you will need exactly 20 min for 3 people to bowl a complete game. We accomplished this with ease, shocking the man at the counter. I think he was proud of us. I bowled a 109, losing to a 121. Therefore, I was forced to give up Wesley, a nice little gold fish whom I kept in a glass in the cup holder of my car all night. I'm sure he was happy to finally settle down after the festivities.

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