Saturday, November 22, 2008

In Memory of the Grassy Knoll

It's Thanksgiving break. I am in Illinois again for the holiday. Some fun things I like about Thanksgiving:

1) It's a production more than anything. Cooking, Eating, Disgesting, etc.
2) Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
3) Watching It's a Wonderful Life. This is the true beginning of Christmas season. It becomes officially appropriate to decorate, begin shopping, and other festive things of the sort. Not before Thanksgiving, after. This is a rule broken often which makes me a little bit sick sometimes. The longer you save it, the better it will be. At least that's what I've convinced myself. 

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Suga Mama

I missed breakfast, but I made oatmeal, half of which ended up in my hair, and on my dress. Holy Shnikes, it's already Thanksgiving next week. That kick-starts a whole new vibe, people become Holiday-bound, and there's nothing you can do to stop them. The star up flagstaff will light up, which is one of my favorite changes in the winter, and the annual pilgrimages to the sight will begin. I just experienced my first dose of Christmas shopping today, but that didn't keeping from stopping at Bart's and splurging on no one else, but me. I'm infatuated with Beyonce, Sasha-Fierce, or whoever she is now. So until next time, I'll be lookin' for my freakum dress.  

Beyonce and a chic band? ....There's hope for me.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Welcome November!

We're now well into November.... it's been a full 21 minutes already. I've got to admit, it might be my favourite. Next weekend, after I kill off some midterms, I'll be on my way to Seattle for the first time since I was only one year old. I'll say hi to a friend of mine, and enjoy the misty, foggy, cloudy, rainy air while listening to grunge and underground radio while drinking freshly brewed coffee. Who knows if this is really what Seattle is like, but that is what I intend to find out. I watched Nick & Nora's Infinite Playlist again today, I really do like that movie, and can't quite figure out why it only got 2 stars. Oh well, I've got to change out my laundry. Happy November to all the November babies out there!