Friday, September 5, 2008

From Room 265

It's strange living in a town that I've lived in all my life, and then going to school here while everyone else is moved away and working elsewhere. It's like a whole new different place. I have nobody to hang out with sometimes, the people I could do anything with and act like whatever I wanted to are gone, and I feel like a fishy in a small slowly draining bowl. Actually, that sounds horrible, it's really not that bad, but it will take some getting used to, not to mention I need to become the meet and greet pro. Good thing I'm a girl with bangs, sounds to me like it's supposed to get me places in life. Good, I need that now. I haven't drawn in a long time, or played music, I'm very uninspired by these "bros" and college gals. I need to get motivated.

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