Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Lost Boys

I was listening to some Matt & Kim, and through them I came across this blog from also from Brooklyn called Sucka Pants. Now, I've always been fascinated by the likes of Peter Pan, the lost boys, tree houses, Skateopia, and things of the sort, so of course this struck my fancy. Check it out, love the pictures, looks like lots of fun. And the sailing crafts look like something right from my brain. Maybe one day I too can have some floating fun.   

1 comment:

jiyoon said...

yay! i'm not the only creeper around here (:

i should like to let you know that i recently bought an old guitar to learn (i've always wanted to learn guitar!) and i've named it louie.

not that that's not weirdly coincidental that your last name is lou.

but it's still so neeeeeeeeeeeeeat.